by Joget, Inc.

Welcome to Approve Via Email app for Joget v6 and Joget DX Professional/Enterprise edition.

This is a demonstration app to illustrate the ability of Joget process (let's call it 'Process A') to poll an email address, extract certain information from the approver's email reply, and using this information, update and complete the process activity (call 'Process B').

This app has two example workflow processes:

  1. Process A is the Listener Process. Start the Listener process by configuring the IMAP parameters and Listener settings such as checking internal, maximum emails to poll and subject filtering, etc. Do remember to stop (terminate) the Listener process on completion of the testing.

  2. Process B is the process to test the Listener process by sending an email to the designated email server, so that the approver human can approve or reject by replying his email. The Listener process will then pick up the email reply and update the Process B activity.

You can read more of the above at Joget Knowledge Base.


What's New

  1. 11-Sep-2019: Fixed email default settings was not working.
  2. 4-Sep-2023: Added a note to enable the Process Deadline Checker for the app to work.



  • This app was updated for Joget Professional/Enterprise v6. If you are using Joget v5, click here.
  • This app employs the following v6 features:
    • Using the latest v6 Universal Theme which is responsive and mobile ready.


Credits: Free icons from


Additional App Information

September 11, 2019
Developer Info
Joget, Inc.
Write a review
Ajeet Kumar
Nice app, Kindly upload the generic plugin to approve via email.
June 6, 2023