by Justin Wee

The Task Sequencer Process Tool Plugin is a Joget Enterprise plugin used in a workflow process in "Map Tools To Plugin" tab.

You are recommended to download the sample app demonstrating the use of this new process tool plugin.

This plugin process tool allows business owner who wants the flexibility to transverse around a process flow in any flow sequence one requires (e.g. A to B to to C to A to C...) with endless possible flow permutations instead of the traditional serial start to end (e.g. A to B to C) flow with limited permutation.

When configuring this tool, you have two options: by Activity id or Workflow variable.

The task sequencer plugin configuration has four parameters as follows:

  1. Name for 'workflow sequence' workflow variable (Default name is 'sequence' if left blank): Stores the sequence of task remaining
  2. Name of 'current sequence position' workflow variable (Default name is 'currentPosition' if left blank): Stores the current sequence position
  3. Sequence by: choose "Workflow Variable" or "Activity Id"
  4. Default sequence: Define the sequence of task to run


Steps To Import This Plugin 

  1. Click "Download" on this plugin screen (It will be a .jar file).
  2. Go to your Joget Workflow localhost or server, in Joget Console navigate to "Admin Bar>Systems Settings>Manage Plugins" and click "Upload Plugins" button.
  3. In "Upload Plugin" screen, select the plugin .jar file you just downloaded, then click "Upload".
  4. Go to "Processes>Map Tools to Plugins" and add this new plugin to your tools mapping.
  5. Remember to always uninstall the old plugin before uploading a new version.
  6. The Joget Knowledge Base has more information on managing and developing plugins.


Additional Plugin Information

March 25, 2017
Developer Info
Justin Wee
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