Asset Management and Tracking App for DX 8
Asset Management and Tracking App for DX 8
A simple asset management and tracking web application. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
152 |
Free |
Account Creation App
Check out this Account Creation App if you need your users to sign-up. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
1528 |
Free |
Advanced JSON Data List Binder Demo App
Advanced JSON Data List Binder Demo App
Demo App to showcase the Advanced JSON Data List Binder Plugin. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Community Contributed |
75 |
Free |
Approve Via Email for v6
Demonstration app to approve workflow activities via email replies (Email Polling). |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
2115 |
Free |
Asset Management and Tracking
Asset Management and Tracking for v6
A simple asset management and tracking web application |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
3240 |
Free |
Book Catalog
Use the Book Catalog app to manage your books and audiobooks library. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
515 |
Free |
Club Management
A basic app that allows users to manage club memberships. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Community Contributed |
559 |
Free |
Country List App
Utility app that allows you to setup and manage a list of countries in a select box. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
442 |
Free |
Data Trail Demo App
This is a demo app for JSON to Table Formatter and Form Store Binder Audit Trail Plugin. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
107 |
Free |
DISINI Driver Management App
DISINI Driver Management App
Enterprises will be able to use the application to manage their employed drivers and start the drivers dispatching process. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
181 |
Free |
DISINI Vehicle Booking & Incident Reporting App
DISINI Vehicle Booking & Incident Reporting App
Users will be able to use the application to book vehicles and report incidents related to the vehicle. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
194 |
Free |
DISINI Vehicle Inspection & Insurance App
DISINI Vehicle Inspection & Insurance App
Enterprises will be able to use the application to manage their fleet of vehicles, track insurance policies expiry and conduct vehicle inspections. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
128 |
Paid |
EMAS eKYC app to verify identity during customer on-boarding.
EMAS eKYC app to verify identity during customer on-boarding. |
EMAS eKYC Thumbnail.png |
Enterprise Edition |
Partner |
254 |
Free |
EMAS OkayFace Approval App
EMAS OkayFace Approval app to approve documents using AI-based facial biometric authentication.
EMAS OkayFace Approval app to approve documents using AI-based facial biometric authentication. |
EMAS OkayFace Approval Thumbnail.png |
Enterprise Edition |
Partner |
365 |
Free |
Employee Loan Management
Create, track, and manage your employee's loan applications.
Create, track, and manage your employee's loan applications. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
600 |
Free |
Employee Services Portal
A portal for Employee Self Service in an organization. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
1669 |
Free |
Employee Temperature Tracking App
Employee Temperature Tracking app to record daily temperature readings of the employees. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
329 |
Free |
Enhanced Task Delegation
A template app that integrates with the Joget Task Delegation form. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
625 |
Free |
Expenses Claims App for DX 8
Expenses Claims App for DX 8
The Expenses Claim app was designed for employees to submit and head of departments (HOD) to approve expense claims online. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
118 |
Free |
Google Maps App
Demonstrates how to integrate Joget with Google Maps. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
963 |
Free |
HR Expenses Claim v6
App designed for employees to submit and HOD to approve expense claims online. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
3248 |
Free |
Insurance Management
Administrators can manage and track their corporate insurance policies and insurance brokers. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Community Contributed |
375 |
Free |
Internal Service Request (DX)
Internal Service Request (DX)
App that enables users to make and manage inter-departmental service requests |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
873 |
Free |
ISIC List App
Utility app to set up and manage the UN list of national activities code and descriptors. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
328 |
Free |
Job Recruitment Management
Job Recruitment Management
Easily manage a job recruitment website for your organization on Joget. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
617 |
Free |
Joget User Mgnt Utility v6 & DX
Joget User Management Utility
Easily add and manage Joget user accounts, departments, grades, groups, and organization. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
2258 |
Free |
Loan Calculator App
A free example app for a loan calculator using Joget. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
437 |
Free |
Manufacturing Production and Planning App
Manufacturing Production and Planning App
Seamlessly transform your production workflows into instrumented digitalized processes that connect operator, machine, resource coordination and QAQC assurance into a single ecosystem. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
359 |
Free |
Medical Reimbursement
A quick and easy Medical Reimbursement app on Joget with one approval cycle.
A quick and easy Medical Reimbursement app on Joget with one approval cycle. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
376 |
Free |
Meeting Room Booking App for DX
Meeting Room Booking App for DX
Book and track your organization meeting rooms with this app. |
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Enterprise Edition |
Joget, Inc. |
888 |
Free |